Communications & Social Media Policy
Abbeyleix AFC believes all children have a right to be protected and the safeguarding of children is essential. The Club offers awareness to all Club members, including children, by sharing details of the Club’s safeguarding policies. At the beginning of every season, the club provides a copy of its “Ethos & Code of Conduct” which provides a clear summary of the key safeguarding policies, to all families. The Club intends and expects that all playing members should read this document; helped by parents and carers where necessary. This document also supplies the name and contacts details of the Club’s Children Officer (CCO).
In addition, the Club Safeguarding Policy, Safeguarding Statement and contact details of the CCO and the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) are displayed in the club house/changing facilities. Copies of all the Clubs Safeguarding Policies and Procedures are available on request from the CCO, the DLP or the Club Secretary, at any time.
Social media offers the opportunity for people to gather in online communities of shared interest, and create, share or consume content. As a public‐facing organisation, Abbeyleix Athletic Football Club (Abbeyleix AFC) recognises the benefits of social media as a valuable tool of engagement to communicate with members and supporters. It is important that the reputation of the Club, as well as affiliated sponsors and partners, is not tarnished in any way by anyone using social‐media tools inappropriately, particularly in relation to any content that directly references Abbeyleix AFC. The purpose of this social‐media policy is to provide Club members some guiding principles to follow when using social media. This policy does not apply to the use of personal accounts on social‐media platforms where no explicit or implied reference is made to Abbeyleix AFC or any associated partners, sponsors, or projects.
This policy, which covers all forms of social media, applies to all players, parents/carers, coaches, committee members and volunteers (“Club members”) of Abbeyleix AFC when they clearly identify their association with the Club or can themselves be easily associated with Abbeyleix AFC.
Social media includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:
- maintaining a profile page on social or business networking sites, such as LinkedIn,
- Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- using messaging tools, such as WhatsApp, Teamer, etc.
- content sharing, including using sites as example such as Flickr (photo sharing) and YouTube
- (video sharing).
- commenting on blogs for personal or business reasons.
- leaving product or service reviews on retailer sites or customer‐review sites.
- taking part in online votes and polls.
- taking part in conversations on public and private web forums (message boards).
- editing a Wikipedia page.
The intent of this policy is to cover any material posted online where information is shared that affects Club members, sponsors, partners, or supporters of Abbeyleix AFC as an organisation and the reputation of the club, the leagues in which it plays, and the competitions associated therewith.
Guiding Principles
The web is not anonymous. Club members should assume that everything they post online, especially in open forums, can be traced back to them. Individuals should be aware that they may be personally liable to prosecution and open to claims for damages if their actions are found to be in breach of the law. In cases of harassment, a claim that you had not intended to harass or cause offence may not constitute an acceptable defence.
Because of the nature of Abbeyleix AFC, the boundaries between personal and professional profiles, along with any associated opinions and comments, can become blurred. As such, it is essential that Club members clearly remember this ambiguity when posting anything online and always consider their connection to Abbeyleix AFC and, as such, their role as a representative of the Club. When using the internet for professional or personal pursuits, all Club members must respect the brands of Abbeyleix AFC, our partners, sponsors, and the associations to which we are members, including but not limited to the FAI and the MSL, and follow the guidelines to ensure that the intellectual property of both Abbeyleix AFC, and our affiliated associations, is not compromised.
All Abbeyleix AFC Club members using social media must operate within the Clubs general Code of Conduct and this specific Communications & Social Media Policy, when engaging with electronic communications and social media.
- Club members must not post, forward or link to libelous, defamatory or harassing content this also applies to the use of all artworks, including memes, and nicknames.
- Club members must not comment on or publish information that is confidential.
- Club members should not use social‐media tools to comment on club policies or directives.
- Club members should not bring (or be perceived to bring) Abbeyleix AFC, or the sport and any affiliated governing bodies, into disrepute.
- Club members must refrain from posts supporting discrimination whether about gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion, or disability.
- Club members should refrain from posts of an overtly political nature – political impartiality is always encouraged, no matter what personal political beliefs are held.
- All communications to those under eighteen should be made through parents/guardians. Managers, coaches, club officials, or club volunteers should not:
- accept any person under the age of eighteen as a friend on personal social media accounts; unless it is with pre-agreement of the parents/carers, they are part of a (team) group and parents/carers have also been invited to join the same (team) group.
- communicate with any person under eighteen through social media, text message, phone or email; unless it is with pre-agreement of the parents/carers, they are part of a (team) group and parents/carers have also been invited to join the same (team) group.
- Club members must not post named photographs of under eighteens without parental/carers agreement.
- The use of open communication tools, such as WhatsApp, should be restricted to the organisation and scheduling of events, such as committee meetings, training session and match arrangements. The use of the ‘broadcast’ function, or text, is preferable. Committees may use these tools to facilitate speedy decision making and consensus gathering but, in all cases, communication should be respectful, relevant, appropriate, and courteous.
- When communicating with others online, keep content appropriate and polite. It is also important not to respond in the heat of the moment, in a way you may regret later. In particular, do not engage with irate players, parents or coaches on any forum.
- When communications relate to club matters, members should follow club values, use sound judgement and common sense. When in doubt, do not post.
- Club members must not otherwise be in breach of the Abbeyleix AFC Code of Conduct.
Official Abbeyleix Athletic FC Blogs, Social Pages & Online Forums
When creating a new website, social‐networking page or forum that is in any way, or can in any way, be judged to be associated with Abbeyleix AFC, this must be firstly approved by a meeting of the Clubs committee. Similarly, appropriate permissions must be obtained from the Club regarding the use of logos or images. Images of anyone under eighteen must not be replicated on any site without the permission of parents/carers.
For official Abbeyleix Athletic FC blogs, social pages, and online forums:
- posts must not contain, nor link to, pornographic or indecent content.
- hosted sites may sell the right to advertise on their sites through “pop up” content, which
- may be of a questionable nature. This type of hosted site should not be used for online
- forum or social pages as the nature of “pop up” content cannot be controlled.
- Club members must not use official Abbeyleix AFC pages to promote personal projects.
- all materials published or used must respect the copyright of third parties.
Consideration towards Others When Using Social‐Networking Sites
Social‐networking sites allow photographs, videos and comments to be shared with thousands of other users. Club members must recognise that it may not be appropriate to share photographs, videos and comments in this way. For example, there may be an expectation that photographs taken at private Abbeyleix AFC functions will not appear publicly or on the internet. In certain situations, Club members could potentially breach the Data Protection Act or, inadvertently, make Abbeyleix AFC liable for breach of copyright.
Abbeyleix AFC club members should be considerate to others in such circumstances and should not post material when they have been asked not to or consent has not been sought and given. They must also remove content related to another person, if they are asked to do so. Under no circumstances should offensive comments be made about Abbeyleix AFC club members, or any affiliated partners or sponsors, online. Detected breaches of this policy should be reported to one or more of the Clubs Executive.
If detected, a breach of this policy may, following investigation, result in formal disciplinary actionfrom Abbeyleix AFC under the Clubs Complaints & Disciplinary Policy. A breach of this policy may also amount to breaches of other Abbeyleix AFC policies and procedures. Disciplinary action may involve a verbal or written warning or, in serious cases, withdrawal of club membership and, potentially, further legal actions.
There are inherent risks in posting personal information about Children or Vulnerable Persons as it can lead to being able to identify them and their location, or it is possible that images may be subject to inappropriate use. The Clubs rules concerning the taking and posting of photographs and/or videos, are as follows:
1. At the start of each season, the Club asks for written consent from every Child’s parent/guardian that “very occasionally the club may wish to use photographs of players for positive promotional publication, on the website or in the community.” If a parent/guardian does not provide that consent the child must be excluded from any photographs, team or otherwise, that might be taken during the season.
2. The Club will always aim to ensure that children’s names or additional detailed information about them does not accompany any image or video the club uses.
3. Any person filming or taking photographs at the Club must be Garda vetted and have completed a relevant FAI, or equivalent, approved Safeguarding 1 basic awareness training course.
4. Crucially, if any child member of the club is under a court order or is in the care of the Child & Family Agency (Tusla), or the HSE, assuming the parent/guardian has informed to the Club, their image should not be placed in the public domain.
5. The Club will always aim to ensure that children are appropriately dressed and only allow images to be taken on the field of play.
6. Photographing or filming must never take place in areas of personal privacy such as, changing rooms, showers, and toilets.
If parents/guardians, professional photographers, or other spectators are intending to photograph or video at an event they must ask permission of the club so they can be made aware of the Policy.
If any person attending the Club, for a match or otherwise, is concerned by another individual who is engaged in filming or photography and feels they present a serious concern or an immediate danger, they must report the issue immediately to an Officer of the Club, to the local Garda station, or to Tusla.
The Club will never sanction unsupervised access to children, one to one photo sessions, or photo sessions outside the organised events of the Club, or at a child’s home.